Finding stable employment that pays a living wage is a struggle that many will–unfortunately–have to endure during their lifetimes. The speed at which the demands of the workforce change don’t make it any easier. Whether it’s adapting to new technologies, changing workplace cultures, realizing that one needs to learn new skills, or managing an already busy schedule, many people often don’t know how to engage with these demands, and this can lead to a feeling of frustration and hopelessness. Luckily, the Robert “Sonny” Hill, Jr. Community Center and SELF (Supports to Encourage Low Income Families) partnered to bring a class to help educate residents of Middletown on what it takes to get a better job.

During the course, the students learned about tools and resources for finding employers looking to hire people. They also learned networking skills, tips for filling out applications and writing resumes, and expectations surrounding business etiquette and dress expectations. For their final class, the students went with their instructors to the local chapter of Dress for Success, a volunteer organization that helps women obtain professional attire, and did mock job interviews with some working professionals in the area. They then received advice from the interviewers that they could carry into the real world. We’re so proud all of our graduates, and we wish you well on your journeys to success!

Interested in taking the Jobs Now Class?

Visit SELF’s website here for information on scheduling and enrollment